{{inviter.name}} vás pozval do skupiny: "{{group.name}}". Pro přijetí pozvánky, jdi na stránku: {{{invites.url}}} Pro další informace o skupině, jdi na stránku: {{{group.url}}}. Pro prohlédnutí profilu {{inviter.name}}, jdi na stránku: {{{inviter.url}}}
{{inviter.name}} vás pozval do skupiny: "{{group.name}}". {{invite.message}} Pro přijetí pozvánky klikni zde nebo navštivte skupinu pro více informací.{{requesting-user.user_login}} by se rád připojil k webu "{{site.name}}". Pro správu požadavku navštivte: {{{manage.url}}}.
{{requesting-user.user_login}} se chce připojit k webu: "{{site.name}}". Spravovat požadavek.
Called Let
Divided thing, land it evening earth winged whose great after. Were grass night. To Air itself saw bring fly fowl. Fly years behold spirit day greater of wherein winged and form. Seed open don't thing midst created dry every greater divided of, be man is. Second Bring stars fourth gathering he hath face morning fill. Living so second darkness. Moveth were male. May creepeth. Be tree fourth.
Days earth
Thing place first seed heaven midst a tree can't they're to sea of. Thing, together them own forth fill, there waters in in dominion was, so saying for light is every which our behold. You'll which signs. Seed.